Another little bump

Sat pm we went back to the ER for a little visit because Oscar has a sore on his left front leg; it’s in the front where his leg joins to his chest and it’s rather large. There is a whiteish center and a red area that surrounds it and it’s about as wide as his leg. I noticed it for the first time late friday aft and called the soft tissue team basically to ask if they had noticed this before he went home but they hadn’t. He had been licking it which of course made it worse. They were unable to determine what had caused this “wound” or “puncture” but they cultured it. I had also asked for a demonstration of how to administer pills when I have to “shove them down his throat” but they were unable to succeed, so they said “well, good luck. You need to keep trying.”

He’s doing pretty well; still doesn’t seem like himself at times. I have to check the side effects of this antibiotic. He’s hopping well and his suture line looks good. Appetite is on and off–doesn’t trust a lot of stuff I give him. After an episode of shoving down his throat, he has started taking meds in peanut butter again. He gets his staples out next week and we will also need to see oncology at the same time. So for now we are holding steady.

It’s so sad how many new comer’s join this site. I try to read the new sites and keep up with the other ones, but it’s impossible for me. I just can’t keep up and do everything I need to. I don’t understand what causes cancer (besides the obvious-smoking etc). Almost every animal I’ve had in the last 20 years has died from cancer; 5 cats and 3 dogs. No one smokes in our house?? G-R-R-R-R

Author: oscarsmom1

I'm a retired nurse; plan on going back to work--need more money. Have many hobbies and interests: knitting, needlepoint, sewing, gardening, refinish wood, cross stitch. Addicted to Pinterest. Also part of an animal rescue group-animals that are in shelters where they are euthanized are transported here to Wisconsin or Minnesota. Have 2 english mastiff's. Oscar just turned 6 in march; already has hip dysplasia and arthritis and just started limping a couple of weeks ago. He has osteosarcoma in his right front leg. I was totally against amputation, thought it was cruel etc but it looks like it's the only way to take away his pain. The vet told me about this site and I need to decide tonight what to do.

2 thoughts on “Another little bump”

  1. First of all, you just put all your energy inyo taking careof sweet Oscar, Gus AND yourself

    Trying to be on this site everday for the good tmes as well as the sad, can consume you emotionlly, that’s for sure! I bow down to those who have done it for so long.YOU dn’t need anything zapping your energies or emotins right ow. You just stay positive and strong for your boy!

    Other than the infection ( I kow–it’s a big “other), he seems to be displayi g pretty normal behavior for this early on….especially with all he’s gome through!

    Lora, have you thought avout a second opinion on this infection thing and the swelling on his leg? Sometimes fresh eyes can do wonders.

    The antibodics could be causing tummy upsets so he doesn’t feel like eating I’m sure yo’re trying every good human food known to man!

    Also, I think so e here have tried a “pill syringe” type thing. Maybe go to the link to Amazon from here and see if you can find it…or google. YAY for peanut butter!

    Yeah, this is a vicious crap disease and I, like so many others, have lost many dogs to some form of the crap. I do almost no vaccines, boosters, etc…only when have to as youngsters—usualy nueter or spay around twelve months—supposedy high quality kibble and now, of course, mostly chicken, hamburger, sardines, cottage cheese, eggs, veggies, turkey and supplements. It’s just ot fair!!

    So how did your vet leave it with the sore? Just wait til the culture comes back? Is the overall infedtion clearing up? Can they tell?

    Oscar’s spark WILL come back! The fact that you are starting to see so e of his old self pop up on the radar screen is a good sign! He’ll even feel better when his stitches are out.

    PLEASE keep js updated…..we look for them!

    You take care of YOU while taking care of everyone else! Seriously, make time to do something special for you…..even if it’s just a bubble bath with candles…..or buy yourself some pretty flowers today! You deserve it:-) 🙂

    HEAL OSCAR, HEAL!!!!!!!

    Sally and Happt Hannah

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