Oscar’s doing well

To quickly recap: Oscar had his R front leg amputated on July 24th, wasn’t acting like himself etc and went back to the hospital on August 1st for a major infection. Had surgery and a drain placed on friday aug 2nd and came home on tuesday aug 6th. Basically they called me because he wasn’t eating and they were concerned because he was losing weight.

Oscar has an infection “like MRSA” but not. It’s a multi drug resistant form of staph and the only antibiotic he can take is Chloramphenicol which can cause aplastic anemia in both the patient and the person handling the med, so I have to wear gloves. So far he is still taking them in peanut butter, but this am he started to try and chew through it, looking for the pill. Luckily of course peanut butter has the consistency of glue, so we’re still good.

So far, he has not cried, doesn’t appear to be in pain, and he has eaten everything I’ve given him, other than can dog food though, it’s all people food. He tires easily and after peeing in the house x2 without warning tuesday pm, he’s gone outside every time. He’s becoming a little more himself (growls at his brother over dominance issues) but still seems anxious at times.

Will try to take pictures and post them, but……. The other day I was late picking Oscar up but couldn’t figure out how to call the vet, then they were calling me, but I didn’t know how to answer the phone so it’s a crap shoot whether or not I can do it. (Had to get a smart phone because normally I dog rescue on the weekends and the first time I did it, got lost and didn’t have a phone and they wondered if I stole the dogs. Also our coordinator emails us sometimes when we’re on the road). But I’m pretty much clueless. LOL

Author: oscarsmom1

I'm a retired nurse; plan on going back to work--need more money. Have many hobbies and interests: knitting, needlepoint, sewing, gardening, refinish wood, cross stitch. Addicted to Pinterest. Also part of an animal rescue group-animals that are in shelters where they are euthanized are transported here to Wisconsin or Minnesota. Have 2 english mastiff's. Oscar just turned 6 in march; already has hip dysplasia and arthritis and just started limping a couple of weeks ago. He has osteosarcoma in his right front leg. I was totally against amputation, thought it was cruel etc but it looks like it's the only way to take away his pain. The vet told me about this site and I need to decide tonight what to do.

3 thoughts on “Oscar’s doing well”

  1. I am so sorry Oscar has to go through this on top of his amputation surgery. He sounds like a trooper, and it’s great he is eating a bit now that he is home. He will certainly do better in familiar surroudings with his loved ones.

  2. Lora, Gus and the MAGNIFICENT OSCAR!!

    Soooo glad you’re home and eating better! Hate that you had that horrible infection but glad you’re getting better!

    It sou ds like you’re recovering from the actual amputation very well. A little “house pee” every now and then while you’re adjusting to things is okay!

    Applause to you for doing dog rescue. Mighty nice!

    I understand all too well the frustration of cmouters and smart phones’ etc. I keep sayig wish they’d make a “dummyphone” I’d buy a dozen! Hope someone can nelp with the picture post…would love to see Oscar and his pack!

    Oscar’s anxiety could also be a little pain maybe? Is he panting, pacing, ears pinned back? Could be pain.

    Of course, pain and side effects of pain meds. look very similar!

    REALLY glad Oscar is home with everyone! He’l contnue to tire easily for awhile but he’ll start perking up soo and getting his sparkle back!!

    Update when he has his first poop! We celebrate everything here!!

    GOOD JOB MOM!! You are very strong AND kind”


    Sally and Happy Hannah

  3. Wow you are really coping with a lot right now, I’m so sorry.

    If you have the chance, we’re all ears about learning more about how you’re coping with the infection. Do the docs know how he got it?

    And yes, we’d love to see pics!

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