As for how Oscar got the infection: h-m-m-m; wish I knew. They say staph is everywhere and Oscar’s immune system was/is compromised. I know he’s lost some weight; when he was discharged his med student said something about weighing in the high 130’s, and I gasped and the student said he almost weighed 140 lbs. He used to weigh 177lbs and I think he weighed about 155 lbs as this was all starting. My truck is dirty, I’m a bad housekeeper, he was in the hospital 3 days??? What worries me is his antibiotic “Chloramphenicol” can cause anemia and I hope he’ll be able to have the chemo.
He’s eating most of what I’m giving him: loves cottage cheese-had never had it before (I don’t like it) and we’re having hamburger and steak this weekend. Did turn his nose up at can dog food last night, so he’s going on a strictly people food diet. Still taking those big antibiotics in peanut butter.
Today I noticed a sore on his left front leg right in the joint. Called the U and asked if he had that at the hosp and they hadn’t noticed it. It looks like an old IV site, it’s bruised and looks like there’s a needle hole. They suggested I clip the hair around it, put triple antibiotic cream on and put a t-shirt on him so he stops licking it.
Last eve I saw a “spark” of the old Oscar; he ran; “hopped” across the yard to bark at someone.
I think things are going about as well as they can; wish he’d eat better and that he didn’t have that sore but as I told Nevada’s family: every day is a gift with him–that’s how I look at our situation. One day at a time.
Lora, Gus and Oscar
What a wonderful attitude you have….I am going to make that may new saying about my doggie: “Every day is a gift with her.” I’m glad you are seeing a bit of Oscar’s spark some back. We almost have to become vet techs ourselves, but I hope Oscar gets over this hump soon so he can concentrate on the fun stuff, like running and barking in the yard.
Lora, I know the huge sense of feeling so overwhelmed that you are experiencing, but all I can say it, watch Oscar and model his behavior. He doesn’t care about anything but eating that new yummy people food diet and being with his pack. It’s sooo hard to do that, I know.
One day and one hop at a time, it’s the Tripawd way.
You are doing great Lora…and so is Oscar…day by day…even hour by hour! It’s just that all is progress is’t quite vicible to you yet. We have one solutuion thaough to help get his spark back…..have a vunch of neighbors walk around his yard and he’ll perk up then and fo after ’em barking!
No sense dwelling on it, ut it sure seems to me Oscar may have picked up that infection o oe of his hospotal visits… interesting to see if any other dogs are being treated there for the same thing.
Dirty house? Dirty truck? Gosh, you act like that’s unusual! That’s the norm around here!! We have too many ore important thigs to do—-like love and spoil and care for our dogs 24/7:-) Pity the other poor souls who dn’t have their priorities xtraight:-)
Glad your pack is together now. The healing will be slow due to all his challenges aut it is happening!! You’ll conti ue to see more sparkle!
I wouldn’t worry avout the anemia for now as it may not even happen. Even so, chemo treatments get delayed quite frequently due to various surgery challenges……three..even four weeks out and so etimes more.
Did your vet suggest any supplements, etc. Might navigate around the site for nutritional , vitamin, erbs, etc, that firght off anemia. STEAK AND HAMBURGER sure ought to help!
And the silver lining in the weight loss is that it is much, much easier on their joints. I be Oscar’s leg was close to 15 lbs.!
Also, I’ve found the weighing process at the onco.’s office to be way off a lot of times. One time they showed Happy Hannah had “lost” something like 14 lbs in less than two weeks! Took her to my vet week later and his scales showed she hadn’t lost an ounce………… don”t put too much thought to the weight.
Oscar’s gonnabe vuilding his strengthuo and he’ll do just dine!
You are a really strong and diligent pawparent!
We’re here with you! You are not alone on this journey!
Lots of tripawd hugs to you:-)
Sally and Happy Hannah